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An icon of a hand with a white clock hovering above with the words ‘join us’ beside it in black on a solid yellow background.

Help Wanted

CNIBLakeJoe@Home Volunteer Program Facilitators

Our virtual programming has been a resounding success, and the CNIB Lake Joe team is seeking volunteers who want to use their skills and talents to help create or facilitate virtual programs throughout the fall/winter season. You’ll be making an impact and experiencing the rewards of making a real difference in the lives of people with sight loss. For more information, contact Lindsay Garrett, Program Manager at or call 1-877-748-4028 ext. 5501. 

Bring the magic of camp to life

You can make it possible to bring the magic of camp to even more people. Consider contributing to the “Sponsor a Camper” bursary or excursion or browse the CNIB Lake Joe Wish List and purchase items that can be put to use right away at CNIB Lake Joe – bike helmets, fishing gear, pottery supplies, and more.