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2021 Canadian Census

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The next Census of Population will take place in May 2021. 

Census information is used to make informed decisions about your community, province or territory, and the country as a whole. Completing the census is mandatory. All residents of Canada are legally required to complete the census questionnaire, according to the Statistics Act.

The online 2021 census questionnaire is accessible to respondents, including those using assistive technologies. It has been tested to comply with the Treasury Board Secretariat’s directive based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Alternate formats for the census questionnaire

The 2021 Census questions are available in large-print, braille, audio and video formats. For information purposes only, the census questions and reasons why the questions are asked are available in braille, audio and video formats, on the Alternate formats for the census questionnaire page.

To request an alternate format or obtain assistance to complete your census questionnaire, please call the Census Help Line at 1-855-340-2021.

For more information on the 2021 Census, the accessibility of the census questionnaire and alternate formats available, please visit the Accessibility, alternate formats and non-official languages FAQ.


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