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I Can...Learn to Guide-Run & Walk Clinic

Type d'événement
In Person
Type de programme
Culture, Sport & Recreation Programs

Spencer Smith Park
1400 Lakeshore Road
Burlington ON L7S 1B3

This casual session is designed to help any runners and walkers in the region, to learn the basics of being a sighted guide for an athlete who is blind or has low vision.

Maybe you have a family or friend who you would love to start running but is unsure how being guided would work. Or maybe you're unfamiliar with how to provide proper guiding assistance – either way, this session can help! It's much simpler than you might think! All you need is trust, patience, and communication.

This clinic is open to runners and walkers from across the region, who are interested in becoming a guide, also open to athletes with vision loss who are looking to learn how to self advocate in terms of what guiding techniques they prefer and hopefully after this session, everyone will be able to return to their various communities, better equipped with knowledge and scale to either provide assistance to athletes with vision loss, or to advocate for the assistance you need as an individual with vision loss.

The session will be facilitated by Ryan, an eight time Iron Man triathlon finisher, international para triathlon, podium finisher, runner, and athlete with vision loss. 

Other important details 

  • Please dress for the weather (rain, shine or snow!)
  • Clinic will be approximately 90 minutes in length, maximum, with a combination of instruction and some light running and walking
  • Tethers will be provided
  • Athletes with vision loss looking to gain experience being guided and potentially meet new guides are welcome to attend.
  • All runners and walkers are welcome
  • Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian

The Learn to Guide-Run & Walk Clinic happens Saturday, March 15 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. at Spencer Smith Park (1400 Lakeshore Road, Burlington). 

Please be advised that you must register for all programs. We kindly ask you to RSVP a minimum of 1 full business day before the start of the program.

Registration required. To register, please complete the CNIB Auto Registration Form.

For more information, please contact Ryan Van Praet at ryan.vanpraet@cnib.ca or call 226-219-7626.
